E.I.N.S. Inspiring Chats

The E.I.N.S. Inspiring Chats bring together great thinkers to discuss relevant topics. Join us and get inspired!

The E.I.N.S. Inspiring Chats will return with more editions in 2023.

Stay tuned!

The E.I.N.S. Inspiring Chats are hosted online via Zoom. You can view Zoom's Privacy Policy here.

Registration for the E.I.N.S. Inspiring Chats is currently closed.

Past E.I.N.S. Inspiring Chats


  • Hannes Raffaseder Coordinator of E³UDRES², Chief R&I Officer at St. Pölten UAS

  • Verónica RodríguezEIT Manufacturing RIS Operations Manager

  • Various Start-Ups  supported by EIT HEI E.I.N.S.:

  • Vala Ali Rohani Ph.D., Data Corner

  • Mefat Shabani, CoreIT


  • Welcome & Introduction

    Hannes Raffaseder (Coordinator of E³UDRES² and E.I.N.S.) and John Edwards (Secretary-General of EURASHE)

  • Insights into the Higher Education for Smart Specialisation (HESS) Project
    Jayne Woolford (Economic and Policy Analyst at European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

  • Higher Education for S3 in Lower Austria (short summary of the JRC report)
    John Edwards (Secretary-General of EURASHE & Co-Author of the JRC report)

This Inspiring Chat was a joint online event co-hosted via Zoom by E³UDRES² / E.I.N.S. and EURASHE

Universities are undoubtedly important drivers for successful innovation ecosystems worldwide. However, apart from some exceptionally good practices, there is still much untapped potential in Europe. What makes an innovation ecosystem flourish? And how can universities be the ideal breeding ground for innovative ideas? Join recognized experts as they discuss challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurial universities and their potential to strengthen innovations for Smart and Sustainable Regions.


  • Diana Andone

    Director of the e-Learning Center and associate professor in the area of multimedia, interactive and web technologies at Politehnica University of Timisoara

  • Todd Davey

    Associate Partner at UIIN and Associate Professor for Entrepreneurship at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School

  • Klara Brandstätter

    Managing Director I.E.C.T Hermann Hauser Management GmbH

  • Ludovit Garzik

    Managing Director Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development

The innovation capacity of Higher Education Institutions as well as their regional ecosystems is highly dependent on people with creative ideas, open minds and good entrepreneurial skills. The E.I.N.S. Inspiring Chats give experienced experts a platform to exchange ideas about the expertise and experiences that are particularly important for entrepreneurial thinking and actions. Join us in exploring how and where entrepreneurial skills can be acquired and which role universities play in the context of entrepreneurship!


  • Hannah Wundsam

    Managing Director at Austrian Startups, Co-Founder of rePhil.at

  • Selma Prodanovic

    Vice-President of EBAN – European Business Angel Network, Founder of #365women, Founder and Board Member of 1MillionStartups, Founder of Brainswork, Founder and Board Member of Austrian Angel Investors Association

  • Jurgis Prieditis

    active change agent of innovations and entrepreneurship at Vidzeme region; former Manager of Valmiera Business Incubator; IT product developer; expert in change management and LEAN process introduction

  • Diethard Struelens

    Founder and CEO at artfuse.io; professionally trained musician; mentor at The Founder Institute; Ambassador at bundeling.com

Event supported by

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