Public Documents & Materials

Your source for E³UDRES² resources, such as logos and press information.

E³UDRES² Vision & Mission

The E³UDRES² Alliance aims to promote the development of small and medium-sized cities and their rural environments into smart and sustainable regions. E³UDRES² also co-creates outstanding ideas and concepts for future universities, integrates challenge-based education, mission-oriented research and human-centered innovation.

Find out more in our full E³UDRES² Vision & Mission document:

Information Materials

Discover E³UDRES²

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Institutions in the E³UDRES² Alliance

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Factsheet: European Universities Initiative

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Factsheet: E³UDRES² European University (2021)

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Public Documents

E³UDRES² Open Policy Strategy

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Public E³UDRES² Deliverables

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E³UDRES² press kit

E³UDRES² Logos

Download the different variations of the E³UDRES² logo here (Copyright: E³UDRES² European University).

E³UDRES² European University (purple)

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E³UDRES² European University (yellow)

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E³UDRES² European University (turquoise)

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E³UDRES² European University (pink)

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E³UDRES² European University (negative/white)

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E³UDRES² Press Releases

Contact for press inquiries

E³UDRES² Head Office

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