Institutional Information

Fulda University of Applied Sciences

Are you a student at Fulda UAS interested in getting engaged in E³UDRES²? Then this page is for you! Find all institution-specific information about E³UDRES², contact persons for your questions, and useful facts on this page.

Wondering which E³UDRES² activities you can join as a student of Fulda UAS?

All of them! The E³UDRES² activities are ...

✅ Open to all study programmes

✅ Open to all study degrees

As a regular student of Fulda University of Applied Sciences, you can join every E³UDRES² format open to students available! Your field of studies or study programme is not relevant for joining E³UDRES² activities - we even actively encourage every type of student (Bachelor/Master/other) to join our events, as we are looking for teams coming from as many different backgrounds as possible. However, students from Fulda University of Applied Sciences are required to have already completed a minimum of one year of their studies. Priority is given to students who have not yet participated in a E³UDRES² event to ensure more individuals can get involved.

➞ View upcoming events

Information for Fulda UAS students

For joining a E³UDRES² event, please follow the registration procedure of the specific event on the E³UDRES² website. It is not necessary to create an account on the E³UDRES² website in order to register for events.

Please make sure to send your enrollment certificate (Studienbescheinigung) and any other required documents specified in the registration procedure to until the registration deadline, unless these documents are already uploaded in the registration process.

If you are an exchange student at Fulda University of Applied Sciences we may not be able to grant any funding. All applicants must be enrolled at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. If you are an incoming student, please contact us before applying to clarify your eligibility.

E³UDRES² is able to cover parts of your costs for travelling and accommodation through Erasmus+. Details will be communicated with you once you are accepted for an activity/event.

If the E³UDRES² activity is organised as a BIP:

The Bootcamp and the Local Week of the I Living Lab are generally organised as a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). The physical period abroad can be funded with an Erasmus+ grant in the amount of €79.00 per day + a travel grant. Additionally, you can apply for top-ups for students with Fewer Opportunities and/or for Green Travel. Once your participation is approved, you will receive further information.

The travel grant calculations are structured into four scenarios, contingent upon the student's specific application and prerequisites. They generally range from 300€ – 650€. These calculations are subject to change depending on the funding cycle. Please view these numbers as a rough reference value.

If the E³UDRES² activity is NOT organised as a BIP:

The participation in E³UDRES² activities abroad, which are not organised as Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), can be funded with a E³UDRES²-grant including the following aspects:

-        Daily allowance of up to €79.00

-        Travel grant depending on the distance:

Students travelling to…

Travel grant

Latvia, Romania, Finnland, Portugal, Austria, Hungary


Belgium, The Netherlands


We recommend making your travel arrangements sooner rather than later, as prices tend to rise the closer the departure date gets.

In case a E³UDRES² event takes place at the same time as one of your classes, please contact your respective lecturer or your programme director in advance. They are usually very supportive of students' participation in international events. Please make sure to agree on a solution for the situation together.

Our local coordinators at Fulda University of Applied Sciences are happy to support you – please reach out to the contacts below if you'd like them to assist.

For some E³UDRES² activities you will receive ECTS, for other formats you might not. You have to clarify with the international coordinator of your study programme whether the ECTS will be recognised for your study programme at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

You can find an overview of the international coordinators here.

If the E³UDRES² activity is organised as an Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) you will have to sign a Grant Agreement and a Mobility Agreement before the start of your travels. You will receive more information regarding the necessary steps once you are accepted.

You can find further information on BIPs here.

If the E³UDRES² activity is organised as BIP:

Insurance must include at least health insurance. It is strongly recommended that participants also take out liability and accident insurance. National health insurance provides basic cover in the EU, but additional private health insurance may be necessary, especially for transport home or specialised treatment. Liability and accident insurance provides cover in the event of damage caused or suffered by participants. The regulations for this vary from country to country. In addition, insurance against loss or theft of documents, tickets and luggage is recommended.

The organisation shall ensure that participants receive information and assistance in taking out suitable insurance.

Participants are responsible for arranging their own insurance.

If the E³UDRES² activity is NOT organised as BIP:

Students are not insured by Fulda University of Applied Sciences against liability claims while participating in E³UDRES² activities. The Studierendenwerk Gießen has taken out private accident insurance for all students of Fulda University of Applied Sciences. This only covers death and disability. It is therefore strongly recommended that you clarify whether you have private liability insurance and private accident insurance. If not, you should consider taking out this insurance for the period of your stay abroad. It is also advisable to clarify with your health insurance company what conditions apply in your destination country.

Yes, participants need to be of age (at least 18 years old).

Reach out to our

local coordinators

Our local coordinators at Fulda UAS are here for your questions! Reach out to them for any E³UDRES²-related issues.



Don't hesitate to get in touch!

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