The E.I.N.S. Book Club, a podcast dedicated to exploring literature that inspires innovative approaches to business, is back with another thought-provoking episode: Hosted by Lotte Ovaere from UC Leuven-Limburg UAS, this latest episode features a deep dive into "The Obstacle Is the Way," a book by Ryan Holiday. Together with Lida Mesbahi from St. Pölten UAS, the guest in this episode, listeners can discover how to change their perception of challenging situations.
"The Obstacle Is the Way" delves into the ancient philosophy of Stoicism and its applicability in the modern entrepreneurial landscape. By sharing anecdotes of successful individuals who have harnessed challenges to fuel their growth, Ryan Holiday's book encourages readers to adopt a new perspective on obstacles, turning them into opportunities for personal and professional development.
Fostering entrepreneurial thinking
The E.I.N.S. Book Club was initiated by E.I.N.S., the E³UDRES² Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions. The project is part of the wide E³UDRES²-Universe of connected projects, and aims to co-ideate innovative approaches for entrepreneurial universities. It also plays an important role in advancing entrepreneurial education, fostering support for innovation and business creation, and promoting collaboration across the knowledge triangle, extending beyond the boundaries of conventional practices.
The E.I.N.S. Book Club podcast, through its engaging discussions and passionate participants, helps its audience gain fresh perspectives and inspiration for approaching entrepreneurship and innovation. By analyzing the latest and most insightful literary works in this field, the podcast creates a valuable resource for those eager to explore novel pathways in their business endeavors.
Discovering the E.I.N.S. Book Club
Up until now, the E.I.N.S. Book Club Podcast has produced four episodes with various guests. The podcast is available on Spotify.