New Animated Video about the E³UDRES² Alliance Out Now

Over the past weeks, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) together with a designated media and animation team as well as the E³UDRES² dissemination team worked on the creation of a short animated video about the E³UDRES² Alliance. Aiming to showcase what E³UDRES² is in a simple and fun way, the team worked on compiling the essentials of E³UDRES² into a video of less than two minutes. Now, the finished video is finally celebrating its release.

Meet the E³UDRES² European University Alliance | E³UDRES² explained

The video follows a protagonist called Anna, a student discovering the various possibilities E³UDRES² offers her. The video then continues to explain the core of E³UDRES², showcases its partners, and gives a glimpse into what the benefits for the people and their regions when participating in E³UDRES² activities are. In order to distribute the E³UDRES² video also in the local E³UDRES² communities, subtitled versions in the local languages of all E³UDRES² regions were created. Find them in our YouTube playlist.


➞ E³UDRES² YouTube Channel


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