From 13-14 October 2022, Semmelweis University as a part of the EUniWell European University Alliance organized its fourth EUniWell Rectors’ Assembly as well as a European Universities Assembly. Hosting not only rectors, vice-rectors and various other high-ranking university representatives, also participants from other European University Alliances, such as E³UDRES², were invited to join the events taking place in Budapest, Hungary.
Fruitful exchange with European University Alliance partners
Offering various possibilities for international exchange over different European University Alliances, the event strengthened the connections between the existing Alliances and brought new, interesting insights. Among the participants were also representatives from Hungarian Ministries, such as the Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation, János Csák, and the Hungarian Deputy State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Miklós Lengyel. The E³UDRES² Alliance was represented by Zsuzsanna Tarr, Director of International Relations at Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE).