E³UDRES² Discusses The Role of Universities as Drivers of Sustainable Innovation Ecosystems in Brussels

At the beginning of June, Hannes Raffaseder, lead coordinator of the E³UDRES² alliance, was invited to Brussels to participate in a discussion with various guests to talk about the role of "University (alliance)s in innovation ecosystems". The event was hosted by the Thuringian state representation in Brussels together with the Thuringian Ministry for Economy, Science and Digital Society. Raffaseder presented the E³UDRES² activities and learnings about interaction and collaboration with manifold stakeholders, co-creating solutions for regional challenges, and sharing knowledge, experience and resources on an European level.

approaching innovation systems

The panel discussion was attended by several representatives of exemplary institutions, such as UAS4EUROPE, the European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN), and Una Europa as well as E³UDRES² representing European University Alliances. The focus of the discussions was on the role universities can play in sustainable innovation systems from a European perspective, how they can deal with the lack of skilled labor, and why more attention should be paid to innovation topics in education.

The aim of the 3-days program was to collect best practices related to innovative ecosystems in Europe and to establish new networks in the hope of accessing European cooperation partners and funding opportunities.


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