E³UDRES² Shares Insights In Networking Events Bringing Together European University Alliances

Mid October, there were various opportunities for European University Alliances to connect and share experiences. Hannes Raffaseder, Lead Coordinator of the E³UDRES² Alliance, participated in two events aimed at fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among European higher education institutions.

At an online networking session hosted by EURASHE (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education), representatives of European University Alliances and beyond had the opportunity to get insights into experiences made within the initiative. Members of various Alliances shared their success stories and experiences, such as RUN-EU, E³UDRES², EU4DUAL, and the U!REKA Alliance. During the session, they reported on their achievements and contributions within the European University Initiative, being already on the way to becoming models for collaborative, innovative, and internationally-oriented higher education.

In addition to the networking session, Hannes Raffaseder was also part of an exchange meeting with European Universities hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research. This meeting brought together representatives from the 16 Austrian institutions that are part of European University Alliances, further emphasizing the commitment of Austria to this initiative. The exchange allowed for sharing of best practices, insights, and strategies, reinforcing the collaborative spirit of the European University Initiative.




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