European Opportunities at the International Day in Fulda

On 24 April 2024, Fulda University of Applied Sciences held its annual "International Day", an event promoting international education and mobility. This lively day featured a variety of different displays, presentations and workshops, offering students a comprehensive insight into study abroad programmes and international cooperation.

This year, the booth of the European University Alliance E³UDRES² was able to complement the offers of exchange programmes and internships with short-term mobilitiy opportunities in Europe. Innovative and intensive formats such as I Living Labs and Hackathons are characteristic for education within E³UDRES². They provide those students who are unable or unwilling to go abroad for several monthes with a chance of a short-term international experience.

The team of Fulda University of Applied Sciences presenting E³UDRES² at the International Day.

Various mobility opportunities

The representatives of the E³UDRES² booth were able to raise awarness for these new mobility opportunities at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. They gave practical advice on applications, funding and support services for the upcoming events and emphasised the benefits of intercultural skills, enhanced professional networks and improved employability. Visitors had the chance to get a first taste of international experience by trying Dutch peppernotjes (small gingerbread cookies).

The number of students attracted to the booth emphasises the high interested in international education and the importance of accessible opportunities for international learning experiences.


➝ Fulda UAS: Internationaler Tag

➝ E³UDRES² Activities


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