On 24 February, the first E³UDRES² Future Students Workshop took place. The online event gave the opportunity to high school students to express their opinions and expectations on Future Universities, as well as envision and discuss their ideal form, function, and inclusivity. The workshop included 16 teenagers from eight different schools of four E³UDRES² countries - Latvia, Hungary, Austria, and Portugal.
Positive Health, Sustainability and Self-Driving Cars
While "Future Universities" was the main topic of the event, the students also had the opportunity to take part in roundtable discussions led by researchers of the E³UDRES² Alliance. This combination of professionals and high school students led to some really inspiring and interesting discussions, with time flying by and the students reporting afterwards that the discussions could have gone on much longer. Every roundtable focused on a different topic closely linked to the three main research topics of E³UDRES² (Wellbeing and Active Ageing, Circular Economy, and Human Contribution to Artificial Intelligence). While one roundtable dealt with the Sustainable Development Goals, another group discussed the Concept of Positive Health. Very interesting and also ethical discussions started when the topic of "Ethics in Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles" was discussed.
The great atmosphere and impressive english skills of the students made this workshop extremely valuable not only for the teenage participants, but also for the organizational team in E³UDRES². The students' ideas of their ideal Future Universities will be used in the mission of E³UDRES² to create a blueprint for Future Universities. More editions of this workshop are planned in the future.
➞ Students' Report on the Future Students Workshop (BG/BRG Lilienfeld, Austria)