New FOR-EU4ALL Project Unites Current and Future European University Alliances in Joint Community of Practice

On 28 June 2024, the European Commission approved the FOR-EU4All project, an initiative aiming to bring all European University Alliances into a common structure, allowing them to have a space to exchange best practices, discuss challenges and learn from each other. On the same day, 14 further European University Alliance proposals were approved, raising the current number of European University Alliances to 64.

With FOR-EU4All set to start on 01 November 2024, the more informal predecessor, the FOR-EU network, is being put into a more formalized framework. FOR-EU has existed since the first European University Alliances kicked off, and since then served as a space for alliance members to exchange. Within FOR-EU4All, the goal is also to create an opportunity enabling alliances to exchange with the broader European Higher Education sector. This setting should also allow for more efficient administration, dissemination of results, and simplified communication between alliances. The project receives a funding of 1.8 million euros by the European Commission and is set to last for two years.

Collaborating across Europe

The E³UDRES² alliance will contribute to the Work Package “Community of Practice”, which is built on the subgroups of FOR-EU networks, aims to empower alliances through a cooperation platform for networking, peer learning, and sharing knowledge to solve key challenges in transnational cooperation. Additionally, E³UDRES² will support the objectives of the Work Package “Policy Hub”, which include engaging in policy dialogue with policy-makers, addressing collaboration challenges, informing higher education and research policies, ensuring collaboration with stakeholders, and disseminating the transformative impact of alliances globally.


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