Strategies of Success in Getting Funding for Research Projects

The E³UDRES² Alliance is organising at Vidzeme UAS, Latvia from 4 - 6 June 2025 a workshop entitled "Strategies to enhance the E³UDRES² alliance rate of success in getting funding for research projects".

Content and Target Groups

The workshop is organized by the task force "Research and Knowledge Users" with the aim to share information on open research grant project calls within E³UDRES² research areas and proposal writing tips and tricks, as well as to gather feedback from other researchers on how to improve proposal writing even more. All members of the E³UDRES² Research Centres of Excellence, as well as the entire community of researchers from all E³UDRES² partner institutions are invited to participate.

During the workshop participants will visit Vidzeme UAS's laboratories and Open Innovation Hubs, meet regional stakeholders, learn about the open research calls from the Latvian Council of Science experts, share their proposal writing experience and more. There will be time slot dedicated, for the E³UDRES² Research Centres of Excellence and the Alliance's community of researchers, to work on project ideas and initiatives.

The detailed programme can be found below:


Join the workshop at Vidzeme UAS on 4-6 June 2025 and optimize your strategies of success in getting funding for research projects.


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