UC Leuven-Limburg UAS is once again hosting a Future Couch – the third edition moderated by Roger Heijmans and Annelies Schrooten will deal with the Dutch-inspired topic “LoL & lef – More fun and guts among entrepreneurs and students”. The online talk format connects Education & Entrepreneurship with talent development & innovation. It lets entrepreneurs, artists and scientists debate with students, teachers, educators and futurologists. This dynamic mix of different thinkers provides energy and inspiration for the students of tomorrow who, as change agents, use their competences to meet local challenges.
The event is taking place on 27 May 2021, 16:00 (CET) via Zoom and is open to anyone interested!
Guests of this edition:
Stijn Bijnes | CEO in the IT sector
Davy Jonkers | CEO of a local SME in industry 4.0
Ismaël Ben-Al-Lal | CEO of a local SME in the energy sector
Lien Deleenheer | Program manager Microsoft education