The ECDHSI is a transdisciplinary center aiming to connect people, ideas, and expertise, creating human-centered solutions to promote wellbeing for healthy societies. It is a multilateral contact point for researchers, industry innovators, and non-profit organizations in applied research in health, wellbeing, and social inclusion on a European and international level.
The center’s strategy encompasses several initiatives to foster innovation aligned with the Digital Single Market’s objectives for digitalizing health and care, as delineated in the European Commission’s 2018 Communication. These objectives include facilitating citizens’ secure access to and exchange of health data across national boundaries, enhancing data quality to drive research, disease prevention, and personalized health and care, and developing digital tools to empower citizens and promote human-centered care.
Collaborating in an expansive consortium
The ECDHSI leverages the robust collaborative foundation established during the first E³UDRES² phase (2020-2023) to form an expansive consortium of over 20 senior researchers from an increasing number of E³UDRES² partners, including St. Pölten UAS, Vidzeme UAS, Polytechnic University of Setúbal, Jamk UAS, and recently UC Leuven-Limburg UAS as well as Politehnica University Timisoara. Our members have a distinguished presence in the global research community, hosting international conferences, participating in international committees, and partnering in Horizon Europe projects. Since 2023, the consortium has achieved a commendable track record of joint European proposals, collaborative publications, and developmental support of joint Master’s degree programs.
Vanessa Leung
📍 St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
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