E³UDRES² Annual Report 2024 Highlights Regional Innovation and Educational Progress

The full E³UDRES² Annual Report 2024 is publicly available. View it here.

The E³UDRES² European University Alliance has published its 2024 annual report, reviewing a year of significant progress in fostering educational innovation and strengthening international collaboration. In 2024, the Alliance built on the foundation laid in Autumn 2023 with the official launch of its second phase with renewed funding. Seven new project proposals, more than 2.800 individuals reached by E³UDRES² activities, and upcoming Joint Degrees are just a few glimpses into the past year. Backed by Erasmus+ grants, the Alliance continued its mission to transform higher education while fostering regional development beyond major urban centers. E³UDRES² maintained its unique focus on institutions in small and medium-sized cities, anchoring itself in regional collaboration.

Impactful Engagement and Activities

Over the past year, E³UDRES² continued to make a tangible impact by engaging a diverse group of students, educators, researchers, and regional stakeholders through a range of activities and initiatives:

  • Close to 2.900 individuals were reached by E³UDRES² events & activities, with nearly 1.100 students, almost 700 academic and non-academic staff, and 460 Ent-r-e-novators engaged or benefitting from E³UDRES² activities.

  • 54 students and 143 staff members from associated partner universities in Hungary, Ukraine, and the Western Balkans region had the opportunity to participate.

  • Nearly 3.000 citizens have been reached, fostering broader engagement and awareness also outside the boundaries of the participating higher education institutions.

  • More than 70 E³UDRES² events & activities were organized this year on-site, virtually or in a hybrid format.

  • E³UDRES² launched its first co-teaching activities across country borders

  • The year 2024 was also critical in establishing common structures, agreements and strategies among partners, ensuring a solid foundation for the accelerated implementation of KPIs and plans leading up to 2027

Laying the Foundation for the Future

The year 2024 also broadened the scope of offers E³UDRES² provides to its members and beyond. Initiatives such as free language & culture courses, covering almost all native languages spoken across the partner institutions, European Civic Skills trainings, Citizen Science Workshops and many other activities allowed participants to make use of the E³UDRES² network as an enabler for personal and professional growth. Over 150 citizens actively participated in E³UDRES² events, while communication efforts reached more than 2.900 individuals.

Various associated projects, such as UASHome, FOR-EU4ALL, or E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators, ensure the long-term sustainability and anchoring of E³UDRES², as well as further cohesion among the institutions. In the area of research, E³UDRES² made strides in establishing Prospective Applied Research Centers of Excellence. Several potential Centres of Excellence were identified through open calls. From flexible learning opportunities to collaborative innovation with communities, 2024 demonstrated E³UDRES²’s potential to create lasting impact beyond the scope of a single initiative. The E³UDRES² community looks forward to many further exciting developments planned for the years ahead.


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