From 30 September to 02 October 2021, E³UDRES² associated partner „N’Cyan – Innovation für Menschen“ hosted its first summit meeting at the newly opened FoKus N’Cyan, Austria’s first hotel for research and innovation. The 4-star hotel in St. Jakob in Defereggen, Austria, aims to act as a new location not only for hosting guests, but also as a research and communication centre. The initial "Future in FoKus" N'Cyan summit offered talks and discussion panels by around 80 experts from different fields of business, science, art, culture and society. In addition, the regional community was invited to exchange knowledge and experiences at the three-day symposium.
With N'Cyan being an associated partner of the E³UDRES² Alliance, our European University was present at the event as well. E³UDRES² representatives from St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences joined the event and introduced the alliance and its goals to the audience of the symposium.
Pamela Nolz, E³UDRES² team member at St. Pölten UAS and leader of the Circular Economy research network, presented said research network under the topic of "Mobility and Regions". In addition, Gabriele Permoser, site coordinator of E³UDRES² at St. Pölten UAS, joined a panel discussion where she introduced the audience to E³UDRES² and discussed how regional challenges can be addressed with the help of European networks like the E³UDRES² European University Alliance. The E³UDRES² Hackathon, that took place on 23 and 24 September 2021, served as a great example of this form of collaboration: When the Federal Government of Lower Austria started looking for new approaches to existing challenges using a sandpit workshop in Summer 2021, 30 participants came up with new concepts. One of the winning concepts of that workshop then was handed over to E³UDRES² and further developed in the E³UDRES² Hackathon 2021.
The E³UDRES² team looks forward to many more great cooperations with N'Cyan already!
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