Carla Pereira

Teacher / Researcher / Coordinator

Main areas of research

Chronicity and self-management

Health digital innovations

Patient-centred care and communication

Education in Higher Education

Academic background

PhD in Rehabilitation/ Physiotherapy (2017)

MSc in Educational Sciences, area of specialization in Higher Education (2006)

B.Sc in Physiotherapy (2001)

Research projects / Experience

MoveONParkinson: a research project to develop an innovative solution to personalised exercise for people with Parkinson’s Disease. Project in course, 18 months starting in 2021 March. Funded by IPS

b-Able2: novel tailored blended care programme for self-management support after stroke (call for R&D Projects of FCT- EXPL/SAU-SER/1478/2021).

PhD Thesis: “Adapting to stroke: perspectives of people post stroke, their carers and health professionals” at the St George’s University of London.

Contact details

Polytechnic University of Setúbal

Areas of research

Carla Pereira