Celia Soares

Lead Researcher

Main areas of research

Ageing and ageism

Quality of care delivered to older people

Digital health, informal care and quality of life

Health literacy and health behaviors across lifespan

Academic background

PhD Social and Organizational Psychology (2008)

MSc Social and Organizational Psychology (2001)

BSc (Hons) Psychology (1997)

Research projects / Experience

Co-created ICT solutions for Alzheimer’s Informal Caregiving (Co-Care) (EU reference: 612532-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-KA) (2020-22)

IIFalls. Integrated Intervention for risk fall in the older population of Setúbal district (funding IPS Research projects 2019) (2020-21)

European Later Active Network - ELLAN (EU reference: 539547-LLP-1-2013-1-FIERASMUS) (2013-16)

Contact details

Polytechnic University of Setúbal

Areas of research

Celia Soares