Danny Plass

Associate Professor

Main areas of research

Human-Computer Interaction

Data Visualization (incl. dashboarding, graph literacy, health literacy, data exploration)

Behaviour Change (gamification, digital nudging, persuasive technology)

XR (augmented, mixed and virtual reality; specifically on intuitive and embodied interactions for these new technologies)

Academic background

University of Twente (2006)

BSc Computer Science

University of Twente (2006)

MSc Human Media Interaction

University of Twente (2015)

MSc Science Education and Communication

University of Twente (2014)

PhD Interaction design for brain-computer interfaces

Research projects / Experience

Grip op Herstel

How can a home monitoring app help physical therapists and their arthrosis patients monitor progress and motivate behaviour change? Contribution: Co-creation of the dashboards with patients and therapists, with a special focus on graph and health literacy.


Improving motion sensors and enabling its use by physical therapists in daily practice. Contribution: patient personas, customer journey maps, data visualisation and dashboarding in co-creation with physical therapists, rehabilitation game for patients.


Development of breathing games for spirometry with children and medical experts.

Nasogastric tube insertion training for nursing

Contribution: technical expertise for a checklist to decide which skills are most suited for vr training, development of a prototype vr training.

Social touch at a distance

How can technology enable closeness with patients who are not allowed nearby physical company? Contribution: expert review of solutions, technical development of prototype using augmented video plus haptic touch.


Interfaces for various stakeholders for communicating about risk at sport accommodations and sport events. Contribution: customer journey maps for parents and accommodation inspectors.


Improving fireman - robot interaction. Contribution: identifying needs, concepts for improving the on-screen user interface, concept intuitive telepresence via vr.


The development of a soft biometric exoskeleton to assist people with mobility impairments. Contribution: Haptic balance feedback for the patient.


How can brain-computer interfaces be of added value to healthy users? (Best as a secondary input, which modulates a primary input; for example your mood impacts your gameplay), User experience evaluation in BCI, How can we improve the usability of such a fickle input? (Through various techniques such as hysteresis)

Contact details

Saxion University of Applied Sciences


Areas of research

Danny Plass