Patricia Renner

Junior Researcher

Main areas of research

Youth work and integration of young people in employment

Social work methodologies and social diagnostics

Participative and applied research in social work and social sciences, focussing on the users perspective

Academic background

Doctoral studies in Socialpedagogy at the Institute of Educational Sciences, University of Graz (at the beginning)

Master of Social Sciences (2018)

Bachelor of Social Sciences (2016)

Research projects / Experience

Direne - Competences for the new era of user-driven digital rehabilitation

Digi+ - Inclusion in employment through the development of digital competences in social enterprises in Lower Austria

Working with ego-centered network maps to support the users in interacting with their network in ambulatory social psychiatric services

ISAR-Intervision/Supervision with Augmented Reality

Self-advocacy - Challenging the structure and resources in social institutions regarding self-advocacy for people with disabilities

Inclusive Media Work 1 - TV films and documentaries with and by people with mental disabilities

Contact details

St. Pölten University Of Applied Sciences

Areas of research

Patricia Renner