Vanessa Leung

Senior Researcher

Main areas of research

Healthy Ageing with Digital Technologies

Socially Inclusive Technologies for Wellbeing

Sensor-Enhanced Context-Rich Eye-Tracking

Academic background

BSc in Mathematical Physics and Biochemistry, Massey University (NZ, 1999)

BSc Hons, 1st Class, in Physics, Massey University (NZ, 2000)

PhD in Applied Physics, Australian National University & University of Bonn (AU/DE co-tutelle, 2006)

Junior Research Group Leader, Human Optics Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Basel (CH, 2016)

Research projects / Experience

Collaborative partnership with Philips Lighting on white LEDs

Team Leader in the Swiss MedTech consortium SmartSphincter

Novartis FreeNovation grant in Digital Health for innovations in eye-tracking

Project lead in Swiss-Chinese collaboration to promote healthy vision in schoolchildren using wearable technologies

Contact details

St. Pölten University Of Applied Sciences

Areas of research

Vanessa Leung