Vineta Silkāne

associate professor, researcher

Main areas of research

Social psychology, economic psychology, health psychology

Science communication, scientific literacy

Civic participation

Academic background

University of Latvija / Dr.Psych.

University of Latvia / M.psych.

University of Latvia / M.math.

Research projects / Experience

Researcher, scientific project manager

Fundamental and applied research program “Nudging for behavioural change to improve households’ waste management”


Fundamental and applied research program "Scientific school culture for sustainable society"


National Research Program “Life with COVID-19: Evaluation of overcoming the coronavirus crisis in Latvia and recommendations for societal resilience in the future”


National Research Program "Latvian heritage and future challenges for the country's sustainability", The project "Values in Action: promotion of responsible, secure and educated civil society in Latvia through research and model development"


Research on Science Communication Target Audiences, implemented with the support of the ERDF project “Integrated national level measures for strengthening interest representations for research and development of Latvia as part of European Research Area”


National Research Programme “Innovation and sustainable development: Latvia’s post-crisis experience in a global context (SUSTINNO)”, Project No.2. “Social dimension of sustainability and social innovation”

Contact details

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences


Areas of research

Vineta Silkāne