Zoltán Kókai

Associate Professor

Main areas of research

Sensory analysis

Descriptive sensory profiling

Sensory panelists training

Academic background

PhD in Food Sciences (2004)

Master Degree in Horticulture Sciences (1997)

Special English Translator in Horticulture (1997)

Research projects / Experience

Higher Education Institutional Excellence Program (NKFIH-1159-6/2019) in the scope of plant breeding and plant protection researches of Szent István University

Development of a new agrometeorological information system to support environment, pest management and food safety (2017-1.3.1-VKE-2017-00009 )

Digital educational program development for the food safety and food quality master programs 2009-2011 (TÁMOP-4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0011)

Contact details

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Areas of research

Zoltán Kókai