E.I.N.S. Open Innovation Hub

Creative Industries & Digital Media

The E.I.N.S. Open Innovation Hub for Creative Industries & Digital Media at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is led by Franz Fiedler and Thomas Moser. The Hub functions as a catalyst for creativity, innovation and growth in the creative industries and in the field of digital media in St. Pölten and on a European level.

It offers a range of activities in the field of entrepreneurial education, networking and matchmaking and support for start-ups. The Hub works in close connection with the thriving ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship in St. Pölten, offering opportunities for networking between the city of St. Pölten and the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. It supports accessing state-of-the-art facilities, training, workshops or hackathons - connects with mentors, provides networking opportunities and resources to support the development of new ideas, products, services and business models.

The Hub is part of the project E.I.N.S., the E³UDRES² Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions, funded by the EIT HEI Initiative. E.I.N.S. promotes that results from teaching and research contribute to new marketable products and services through business start-ups and other forms of knowledge transfer.   

🌐 Creative Collaboration

The Open Innovation Hub promotes collaboration  to develop new and innovative ideas in the creative & cultural industries and digital media. Encourages to think outside of the box and work together to advance the state of the art in these fields.

💡 Digital Innovation

It supports the development of new digital business models, products, and services through education, research, and entrepreneurship. This contributes to the competitiveness and sustainability of St. Pölten and other European regions.

🤝 Entrepreneurial Support

The Hub offers resources such as training, mentorship, and networking opportunities to assist in starting and scaling businesses.

Leading the Hub

📍 St. Pölten UAS, Austria

Based at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria, the E.I.N.S. Open Innovation Hub on Creative Industries & Digital Media is led by Franz Fidler and Thomas Moser from the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies at St. Pölten UAS.

Events // Creative Industries & Digital Media Hub

Mar 2023

11th Smartup Forum

The E.I.N.S. Open Innovation Hub for “Creative Industries and Digital Media” kicks-off at the 11th SmartUp forum, with the opportunity for founders, entrepreneurs and innovators to network.

15:00 - 17:00 (CET)

St. Pölten City Hall (AT)

Mar 2023

Forum Innovation, Kreativität & Unternehmensgründung

With this event, St. Pölten UAS is supporting its students on their way to their own company. Representatives of several start-up service institutions and experts from the business world give presentations on legal requirements, loans, financing and funding opportunities, site selection, investor search and networking, as well as tax issues.

08:50 - 12:55 (CET)

St. Pölten UAS (AT)

Jun 2023

E.I.N.S. Cultural Hackathon 2023

E.I.N.S. and OpenGLAM are bringing you the Cultural Hackathon 2023 (#GLAMhack23), focusing on cultural heritage, (digital) art, open data and everything connected to those topics.

01-03 June 2023

St. Pölten UAS (AT)

Jun 2023

Innovatives Storytelling für dein Business – ganz einfach mit Augmented Reality (AR) 

(German only)

AR bietet Unternehmer*innen bahnbrechende Chancen: von AR-optimierten Geschäftsprozessen bis hin zur interaktiven Werbekampagne oder Schulungen. In diesem Workshop entdecken Unternehmer*Innen die angesagtesten AR-Anwendungen. Fallbeispiele aus unterschiedlichen Branchen inspirieren zur direkten praktischen Erfahrungen - der Erstellung eines eigenen AR-Projekts.

10:00 - 15:00

St. Pölten UAS (AT)

Jun 2023

E.I.N.S. Artivive Challenge

Art meets spatial computing: The E.I.N.S Open Innovation Hub Creative Industries & Digital Media, powered by Artivive/Belvedere, invites you to create an Augmented Reality story that brings the story behind paintings to life with Artivive. 

26 - 29 June 2023

St. Pölten UAS (AT) & online

Supporting European start-ups

Supporting start-ups and established businesses is at the core of the E.I.N.S. network. As a network focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation, E.I.N.S. aims to drive the development of entrepreneurial education, and co-creates advanced support for innovation and business creation. Discover the businesses E.I.N.S. is collaborating with!

Latest news from E.I.N.S.

13 Jun 2024
#eins #events #eudres

E.I.N.S. at EIT HEI Initiative 2024 Pilot Phase Conclusion Event in Brussels

The E.I.N.S. project, part of the E³UDRES² network, was represented in Brussels with partners from Vidzeme UAS, UC Leuven-Limburg UAS, and St. Pölten UAS. Hannes Raffaseder joined a panel discussion on policies and future expectations in 2030.

04 Dec 2023
#eins #eudres #events

E.I.N.S. Challenge @ IconCMT

The E.I.N.S. Challenge brought together enthusiasts and experts to explore the transformative potential of Augmented Reality (AR) in museum settings.

26 Nov 2023
#eudres #eins #events

E.I.N.S. Open Lecture #7 Explored IoT in Sustainable Cities

The seventh edition of E.I.N.S. Open Lecture Series, held on November 24, 2023, delved into the IoT perspective, exploring the future of sustainable urban living in a virtual gathering.

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Want to know more?

Contact the team of the Creative Industries & Digital Media Open Innovation Hub:


Thomas MOSER